Church Leadership

Session Members:

Class of 2024

Dr. Larry Fishbaugh

Bud Koenig

Class of 2025

Susan Crossland

Marcia Wiebe

Class of 2026

6Board of Deacons:

Class of 2024

Patty Radel

Brent Fishbaugh

Class of 2025

Mary McMaster

Martha Punches

Class of 2026

Doug Radel

Becky Riley

Ruling Elders govern the local church on the court of Session, according to Scripture (1 Tim 5:17; 1 Peter 5:1–2). Elders are elected by the local congregation to serve 3-year terms. This board of ruling elders meets monthly to do the business of the church and seek the mind of Christ in leading the church on her mission.

The office of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, concern for needs, and of serving others (Acts 6:1-7; Philippians 1:1; 1 Timothy 3:1–13). Historically, to this office has been given the duty of being the Church’s instrument for the ministry of compassion. Deacons are elected by the congregation for 3-year terms.